Pls hold the "control" and "F" at the same time to search the artical you want.
Q: What should I do if my Global tv box has black screen?
A: Please unplug the device and replug back again and right away please click "0000000000" to reset the box
Q: What is the code for locked channel?
A: 0000
Q: How to change the code for locked or adults channels
- Click the iptv app
- Parental setting
- enter the current password: 0000
- enter the new password
- Turn your tv box off. You may get message saying: erroer massage pls ignore and it will work after reset the tv box
Q: What should I do if a lot of channels are not loading?
If few channels not load that is completely normal. If you have whold categary not load you can try to follow the instructions below:
If you use global box
- settings
- apps
- super TV
- clear cache
if still not working pls do this
Click "MY TV" or "FTA TV"
- click "menu" on your remote control
- take a picute of the portal or wrte down the portal name
- go back to home page
- seetings
- apps
- super TV
- clear data
- click "MY TV or FTA TV"
- in portal trype the portal name that you wrttien down from first place.
Q: How to reset password from my account.
A; Please put your email and then click on forgot pasdsword and then a link will be sent to your email. PLease not to check your junk or spam mail. to be able to reset your password you need to move the eamil we send to yoour inbox. not in spam or trash.